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Tools for enhancing self-awareness

Here at the affinity coach, I don't believe that one size fits all. There's plenty of tests and assessments available, and each one has its merits and its uses. I'm qualified to use and interpret a number of assessment and psychometric instruments, and I'll help you choose a tool that best fits with your needs and goals - one that helps effectively raise your self awareness so that you may work towards achieving your goals.

Below you'll find a brief description of each of the tools I'm qualified and accredited to use.

I use these alongside coaching and team development. I can also offer this service to other coaches who would like to use these tools with their clients, but are not qualified to use and interpret them.


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

The MBTI instrument is the best known and most trusted personality assessment on the market. Far more than just a personality test, MBTI provides a constructive, flexible framework that can be applied to all areas of human interaction and personal development. Your MBTI profile reveals how you see and interact with the world, giving insight into your motivation and the motivation of others. This provides a strong foundation for personal growth and development, underpinning enhanced personal effectiveness.

EQ-i 2.0

The EQ-i 2.0 is a professional and reliable measure of emotional intelligence.

It measures emotional intelligence across 15 separate sub-scales by asking you how frequently you use different emotional skills. Unlike personality which is considered relatively stable over time, emotional intelligence skills can be learned and developed as you develop in your career. 

The EQ 360 assessment provides a more in-depth analysis by gathering information from a wide range of connections, including work colleagues, manager and direct reports, resulting in a more complete 360-degree profile.



Hogan Assessments help predict how individuals are likely to behave in a professional setting, and why they will do it, providing key insights when used as part of recruitment and development. The results help individuals to identify strengths and weaknesses, underlying values and motivators, and even career “derailers” and the proclaimed “dark side” of personality.

The Hogan assessments offered include: HPI, HDS and MVPI.

Strength Deployment Inventory

The SDI is a motivational assessment tool that provides an understanding of what drives you and what drives others. It is used in corporate settings for team building, conflict management, leadership development, communication enhancement.


Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ)

OPQ32 provides an indication of an individual's preferred behavioural style at work; to help employers gauge how a candidate will fit into certain work environments, how they will work with other people and how they will cope with different job requirements.

Mental Fitness

Mental Fitness is the capacity and ability to improve your performance through taking control of your state of psychological and emotional wellbeing.

As a Mental Fitness Coach, I will facilitate your understanding of your Mental Fitness Quotient (a measure of your overall Mental Fitness), what is contributing to this (positively and negatively) and help you develop skills and approaches to make the improvements you are looking to make. They will also help you explore the specifics of your Foundations of Mental Fitness and help you to develop strategies to sustain your strengths and to make the improvements you want to make in the future.

Certified Mental Fitness Coach June 22.jpg

Resilience Evaluation

The Resilience Evaluation offers a way for individuals to evaluate their own personal resilience level. For organisations, it enables a sense-check on whether the culture is resilience-supporting - which helps with identifying the most appropriate tools and resources for employees.

Assessment: Services

Assessment for you

If you're an individual...

Self-awareness is at the heart of development.

Sometimes this might include using a psychometric tool or assessment. Where we feel this will enhance your learning journey, I'll help you choose the right tool, and will spend time with you helping you understand the results and decide how to use this to shape your coaching and development.

For team growth and development...

All the teams I've worked with would agree that understanding each other better enhances relationships and builds trust, so that the team can reach its desired outcomes quickly and effectively.

Depending on the needs of the team, we'll choose the most appropriate tool, and share the results in a safe environment where the team will agree the next steps.

If you're a coach...

There may be times when your client(s) would like to raise their self-awareness, but you're not qualified in that particular tool.

As a qualified test user on the BPS Register of Qualified Test Users, I can administer and interpret a range of instruments and tools with your clients.

Please give me a call to discuss what you're looking for and how I can support the development of your clients.

Assessment: Services
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